Part 141: Zil Padon NPC chatter 3
Welcome back!

: festival. He'll soon be neglecting his work. Honestly! The Elder will have to scold him!
Turns out that Gumbo had a minor cold snap, so they started flinging people at the volcano again.

I dunno, some of the stuff in the Alqada shop looked pretty expensive.

: Do any of the Mogay think about this? The Elder says we will use it for the big dream, but.... Well, it's hard to understand.
The Mogay big dream? I guess it's hard to understand for someone who's never seen DuckTales.

: They get tired of what's in vogue, and quickly throw things away. We take those things and sell them to another village. It's like free capital, and proves very profitable.
Yes. They root through everyone's trash looking for crap to sell.
Come to think of it, they might just be stereotypes of MUD players.

: Before it turns summer in Laine, I must get one final shipment of snow. It's just so profitable. In Zil Padon, snow from Laine is very popular among certain customers. The only problem is keeping the snow from melting on the way back.

: "Access to Cafu restricted!?" Outsiders will be denied access to Cafu. To provide rigorous protection from enemies, outsiders may not enter the village. It appears that village lodgings may be used. Restrictions have also been placed on Mogay who come to do business, no exceptions. The Mogay are requesting discussions.

: "Favorable reviews of Alqada massage" The famous paw massage of Hotel Alqada remains extremely popular. Hookd on that unique tingling feeling, users are showering it with praise. Those with back pain say it's the best. A reservation system has been adopted. Contact Hotel Alqada for details.

Maybe later.

: Sure? Well, see you around.

: Where was it from? Dight? It is a comb made from the bones of a fish from that village. This will absolutely be the in thing from now on! Combs from Dight will be the new rage!

: But just growing the same carrots is boring, so I'm trying to grow even more delicious ones. But it's not going so well, though. I'm using good soil, good water and good fertilizer. What could be wrong?

: Compared to before, the quarrels between races have subsided. A little verbal sparring is not bad. What was painful to me were the frequent big fights between the Alqada and the Rafane.

And you're still wearing a backwards baseball cap?

: Even when the Mogay grow old, they don't look much different.

: Well that's what they say. You can't judge people just by appearances.

: Huh? People? You mean rabbits?

: Mind your tongue, young man.
And now to wrap things up with the interiors.

: All is satisfactory! We'll check out all the Mogay peddlers right here at one time. It's important to make reasonable plans. The first snow has fallen on the villages, and everyone will check here for new information. My job is to consider the number of goods and the days in the Elder's plan, and report the following schedule to everyone. This is the final schedule. As the Elder always says, we'll grow as merchants through experience, by each doing his or her own job, and by doing the job of traveling sales.

Hang on, your job is to solve the Traveling Salesman problem? With real people?

Why do you think my house is set up so that I never have to go far from my desk?

: Soon, we'll receive the seven-color shells from Gumbo. We must arrange another warehouse right away.

: and then make an extract of this herbal brew, you get a medicine that is extremely good for you. Ask peddlers, and you can get a hold of medicinal plants from everywhere. Mogay peddlers truly go to all kinds of places, and collect every sort of medicinal plant. I do research on making new medicines by combining a variety of medicinal plants. Since I can acquire medicinal plants from a variety of places, I have abundant research materials.

: They say that surely we built the embankments so they couldn't enter Mogay places. That's totally wrong. It's just that we Mogay couldn't live relaxed without these cellars in the embankments. It's unusual that the three people, the Mogay, the Alqada and the Rafane, live together in the same town. But these people live in separate places from each other. The Alqada and the Rafane are strangely standoffish and live in places distant from the others.
You don't say.
And that's that. For now, anyway. I'm sure there'll be plenty of new dialog here as we continue playing.